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Accessing WordPress Logs on Your Site

In this article, we will review how to access WordPress error logs for your website to assist in debugging a problem. There are a few locations that logs can be found – all need to be accessed through an SFTP connection.

The Logs tab can be accessed from a site’s settings page (https://my.bionicwp.com/sites/> select individual site > Logs tab). For easy access and quick filtering, you can choose which error logs to show. These are sorted under 4 Status Codes and can be selected from the drop-down menu.



The Refresh button loads the most recent logs. The logs are displayed on the Control Panel directly and are formatted to give important information at a quick glance.


IMPORTANT: If this method isn’t working, check to see if the WP_DEBUG_LOG (outlined below) is enabled on the site. If so, it can break the my.bionciwp.com error log reporting for the site


This error log file is automatically generated and can be accessed via SFTP. It is located above the site root, in a folder called /tmp. You will need to connect to the server via SFTP and then move up one directory (outside of the /htdocs directory) to find the /tmp folder.

wordpress error log

wordpress error logs

accessing wordpress error logs


You can enable a WordPress debug log through the wp-config.php file found via SFTP in your site root. You will need to edit wp-config.php and look for a line that reads:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );

Replace it with these three lines:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );

Your debug.log file will then be generated within the /wp-content directory.

how to access wordpress error logs with Pressable

WooCommerce wc-logs

If your site includes a WooCommerce store, WooCommerce also generates its own logs within /wp-content/uploads/wc-logs. Those can be accessed through SFTP.

Pressable wordpress error logs

wordpress error log with Pressable

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